Feinstein Statement on Nelson Confirmation to Head NASA


Date: April 29, 2021
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Science

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today released the following statement on the confirmation of Senator Bill Nelson to be administrator of NASA

"I'm pleased to see Senator Bill Nelson confirmed as administrator of NASA.

"First and foremost, Senator Nelson traveled into space. There's absolutely no substitute for firsthand knowledge, and Senator Nelson clearly has that in spades.

"He is a lifelong public servant, having served in state and federal office for four decades. I got to know Senator Nelson well during his three terms in the Senate, including serving with him on the Senate Intelligence Committee. I found him to be thoughtful and dedicated to his constituents and the nation and believe he is a strong choice to lead NASA.

"NASA is a federal agency that goes beyond just government work. It sends astronauts to the space station, it sends rovers to Mars and it's working on sending man back to the moon. It's an agency that can truly inspire people, and I'm glad it will have such a good man leading the work there."

